
A camping we did go

Roasting our hotdogs, a camping must!

Boats for rent, we had #4, it was good to us.

Hunbuns being the captain

Grandma and A man exploring the shore

My 4-yr. old took this, he's getting pretty good with the camera

Me and my tie-dyed tennies relaxing on the #4, and yes, I did catch the only fish...booyah!

This summer we've been able to use a friend's camping trailer a few times and go camping. I have always been an advocate to "real" camping, but I must admit that it's soooo much easier than pulling out the tent my friends. It's been such a fun summer...and as we come to the end of summer, I'm gonna miss this part. Luckily I have fall crafts to cheer me up.

Have a great day!


My Life as Whitney said...

Looks like a blast! We only went camping once this summer up on Yosem... dying to go again before it gets too cold!

Stesha said...

aw I love camping!! this looks so fun!!

Classic & Bubbly

Alicia Jo said...

Camping is my all time fave! makes me sad that NY's nice weather is slowing disappearing, cute blog. Following you! Follow me on
Forget me not,

Unknown said...

so i replied on my blog to your tight comment...but I figured id pop over and just say thank you ! It made my day that you thought of me...haha and I totally think you should get those tights and rock em'! :-)

Unknown said...

camping is the best! I love when I run into cute girls who love camping as much as I do! xo

The Millers said...

Goodness, how fun!

his little lady said...

yay for canoo rides!!! this whole trip looks like a lot of fun!!
and yay for catching the only fish ;)
xo TJ