
A camping we did go

Roasting our hotdogs, a camping must!

Boats for rent, we had #4, it was good to us.

Hunbuns being the captain

Grandma and A man exploring the shore

My 4-yr. old took this, he's getting pretty good with the camera

Me and my tie-dyed tennies relaxing on the #4, and yes, I did catch the only fish...booyah!

This summer we've been able to use a friend's camping trailer a few times and go camping. I have always been an advocate to "real" camping, but I must admit that it's soooo much easier than pulling out the tent my friends. It's been such a fun summer...and as we come to the end of summer, I'm gonna miss this part. Luckily I have fall crafts to cheer me up.

Have a great day!


Warning: I'm getting kinda deep here people....

A friend had this video posted on her facebook page and I loved the message behind it and the video that goes along with it by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I felt it went along with my post the other day having to do with the Change4Change cause I've decided to help out with. How many times do we think to do something nice, no matter how simple, for someone else out of the kindness of our hearts without expecting any payback. But somehow the payback comes around it seems, whether in another kind act being given back to us, or a lift in our mood, or good karma, or whatever you like to call it. Helping others always pays us back more than what we give I believe. It helps us to realize more clearly our blessings and gives us a sense that we belong to something greater than ourselves....I like to think it's God's family and we are reminded of that every time we reach out, get off our duffs, and do something kind. So, my challenge to you is to do something nice for someone else today....when you read this post, chose to do something nice. It'll make a great difference in your day I promise!

Have a great weekend!


So.....I've been gone for awhile....

We went out of town for a bit and I've also been thinking. I started this blog as an outlet for me, but I haven't been sure what kind of direction I wanted to take it. I'm kind of a RANDOM person, and I like just about everything. A jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none type, but I guess it would be a JANE-of-all-trades really. I don't see myself being known as that one girl with a really cute fashion blog, or the DIY blog of inspiration, or the crafty blog girl, or the .......you get the point? I'm just too random that way....and maybe some day it'll be like that for me, I'll have a focal point and succeed at my nitch, but I haven't discovered what that nitch is yet. Is that sad? I'm 34 and mother of two and I don't know who I am? Ok, not really, I do know who I am...but you catch my drift here right? So, I think this blogging thing is going to be a journey for me....a process and that's all I can promise at this point. For those of you few who actually do read I appreciate your patience and support, Yo. (ghetto talk is always appropriate b.t.w.)
Have a good day!


Awkwardly Awesome

Do you blogstalk? I do. Glad I got THAT out. Phew!

Weeeellll...if you don't, you should, and if you do, then you best make sure that you add The Daybook http://www.thedaybookblog.com to your list because Sydney is the cutest thing ever, has good style, and a good sense of humor. I love her Awkward and Awesome Thursday posts...they make me laugh and feel more normal (or atleast not alone). Today's post made me laugh and snort. So, I decided to join the fun for today and post some of the awkward/awesome things of my life.


  • Lady Gaga's performance on American Idol Finale. I don't expect much different from her, but on AI? Really? THAT???? Don't bother watching if you missed it.

  • Having conversations with my 4 yr. old son about his anatomy...I'm not ready for this people...and let's just say it wouldn't help to defer to dad. love ya hun, but you're not good with some things

  • opening my purse in public and finding a pair of my undies inside (they were clean though) and trying to conceal that while I searched for a pen with people standing close by waiting for me to find that pen.

  • The gastric problems that resulted from the fajitas I made for me and hubby the other night. It wasn't safe around here the next day or two afterwards. sorry.

  • This


  • The guys' poses in "Men in belted sweaters" ^ (see above photo guys...that's some seriously awesome stuff...I may have to borrow some of those) So Rico Suave eh?

  • My daughter snuggling with me on the couch while I watched the Oprah Finale...she's nearly two, so staying still doesn't happen much for her.

  • Hubby getting me a massage.....ahhhhhhhhhh (hence the undies in the purse, I hate going completely au naturale at those so I take a pair of clean panties to protect. Didn't your mom always tell you to wear clean undies anyway? Ok, moving on....

  • Oprah's message from her finale show. I don't watch her much, but I loved what she had to say about taking ownership for your life and fulfilling your calling, whatever it may be....good advice, and I teared a little too, good tears though.

  • Being a mom...everyday is an adventure, but those little hugs and kisses melt my heart!
    Hope you have an awesome, not so much awkward, day!


On a hot day...

Try some of these

FROZEN, of course. Now, I know that Otter Pops and such are usually the frozen treat of choice by many a mom, but (don't hate) they don't have any nutrition and I'm on a nutrition/health kick as of late (I hope it lasts a long time). My SIL told me about this one, it's still very kid friendly, but yogurt is much better than sugar/food coloring filled water right? Right. So you get extra mom points for them.

And, of course, there's always the home-made popsicle made with fruit juice option to spice it up a bit.

Looking forward to summer.

Hope your day is great!



Something rare and unexpected happened today.....I put on makeup!

That's right, and for no reason whatsoever. I haven't posted many pics of myself, so you'd never really know it...but I don't ever...EVEH...wear makeup unless it's a super special occasion or I know that an old bf or crush is going to be where I'm going (you know you do it too). But for some reason today, I felt the need to fancy up a bit, not too fancy though cause I'm still in old jeans and a college sweatshirt, but fancy still the same. I think it's the new lip stain I bought as a splurge the other day....had to try this stuff out, and you know...I think I may wear makeup for no reason more often....this stuff is FAB! Anyway, you can't tell from the pics much, but I am wearing makeup, so it's practically a national holiday today (or should be Mr. Pres...*ahem*) so go celebrate, I know it's a party here.

Hope you have an unexpectedly good day today!


Laugh Out Loud

People...you must read this

and part 1 too cause I nearly peed my pants laughing out loud while reading this. So glad to know I'm not alone in this world. Thanks ladies :)
Have a good day my friends


Easter Dress

I'm excited for Easter weekend...which is THIS weekend if ya haven't noticed. And if I had a money tree (I'm looking at the nursery today for one hopefully, to plant in my yard) this is the Easter dress ensemble I'd put together and wear with proud femininity....

All c/o Ruche http://www.shopruche.com/ A new favorite clothing site that I dream of buying my whole wardrobe from as soon as I'm living a life that doesn't involve peanut butter being smeared on me by some little, very adorable hands. Thanks kids, love ya!

Also, my family is getting together (which we rarely do) to have some egg hunting fun and such, so I'm happy to be spending some time with them. Do you have any Easter fun planned? I think you should.

Hope you have a good day!



Howdy folks!

I'm Gina, my friends call me 'G' and this is my blog about family, life, and a few things that make me laugh. Thanks for reading and I hope we become friends!
Have a good day!